Directorate of Development Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Rural Services
  • Technical Services
  • Planning and Development

The purpose of the Directorate is to advice, guide and assist the ||Kharas Regional Council on the initiation, planning, and research and development progress of the ||Kharas Region aspects, in accordance to the ||KRC mandate.

The objectives are stipulated as follows:

  • To provide advice to ||KRC and its stakeholders
  • To initiate development projects
  • To source funding for the establishment of Development projects
  • To guide the Region in terms of Development, by carrying out feasibility studies and
  • Comprehensive Business Plans
  • To identify Challenges and Opportunities for the Region
  • To provide recommendations and solutions to problems arising
  • To control, monitor and evaluate progress reports

Additionally, ||Kharas Regional Council aims to create high and sustained economic growth, create employment opportunities for the region and increased income equality through NDP4 foundation issues such as Logistics, Tourism, Manufacturing and Agriculture by creating an industrial hub for the region.

Rural Development

The Division: Rural Services provides support to a variety of projects in ||Kharas Region, with the support of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. This is done through rural development programmes, namely:

1. Cash and/or Food for Work
2. Micro-Finance
3. Regional Specific Action Plan
4. Support Resources to Farmers
5. Rural Employment Scheme
6. Water Supply and Sanitation Coordination
7. Rural Electrification

Economic Development

The Division: Development Planning aims to capacitate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region with skills and opportunities to promote their products and services as well as identifying and promoting local economic development opportunities in the region.

Regional HIV/AIDS Coordination

The Regional HIV/AIDS Coordination Unit is responsible for multi-sectoral regional coordination, to mitigate and respond to the HIV pandemic in the Region, with the aim of reducing new HIV infections and providing livelihood support to those affected by, or infected, with the virus. This is done through the Regional AIDS Coordinating Committee.

Technical Services

Among many responsibilities, the Directorate is responsible for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure in the Region.  Most of the infrastructural development projects are funded under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework of the Government.

Development and Capital Projects

Development and capital projects are budgeted for under the Development budget of the Regional Council. Capital budget investment is geared towards funding of infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, water and sewage reticulation, office buildings, etc.

Furthermore, the Directorate has Seven (7) delegated Divisions

  • Division: Development Planning
  • Division: Lands
  • Division: Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare
  • Division – MICT
  • Division Rural Services
  • Directorate: Water supply sanitation coordination-DWSSC
  • Department of Maintenance